3 Things People Often Get Wrong About Veganism

The Vegan Society revealed that in just five years – from 2012 to 2017 – veganism has impressively quadrupled in popularity. In 2017, there has been an increased in demand for food items that are meat-free – a whopping 927%!

Because plant-based diets are not going to lose their popularity anytime soon, people need to be as knowledgeable as possible regarding this dietary approach before they head to the nearest plant-based vegan restaurant in Albuquerque or anywhere in their area.

For many who haven’t gotten on the vegan train yet, the concept of veganism still remains clouded by myths and misconceptions. So here are the most common ones and the truth behind the plant-based way of living:

Misconception #1: Veganism is all about not eating meat

There’s some truth to this. However, going vegan is not just about not including meat in your diet. It’s also a lifestyle. The vegan way of life is more encompassing, avoiding products and services that exploit animals for several purposes.

In the world of beauty, for example, many makeup brands make sure to market their products as vegan or cruelty-free to appeal to their vegan consumers. Many products and accessories out in the market are either animal-based or tested on animals, especially in the cosmetics industry.

There are even countries that require animal testing for any makeup products sold within their territory. That’s why for many vegans, choosing to go this route mainly due to compassion.

healthy food

Misconception #2: Vegans tend to be preachy

“How do you know if someone is a vegan? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you” – you’ve probably heard this running joke way too many times. This is among the most common stereotype meat-eaters have about vegans. However, think about it. All our lives we’ve been surrounded by non-vegan food; they’re everywhere we look.

When people tell us they had steak for dinner, or that they’re refusing to eat cakes and other sweets because they’re trying to lose weight, these are never followed by condescending comments that many vegans often get.

Many vegans get accused of trying to shove their own diet down other people’s throat, when, in fact, because of these stereotypes, they tend to be timider about discussing their lifestyle choices. Their passion for this kind of lifestyle often gets misinterpreted.

But they do understand that not many are capable of embarking on a vegan journey, whether it’s for health reasons or lack of access to vegan food.

Misconception #3: Vegans are not just unhealthy; they’re also dull!

A considerable number of researches have proven how vegans and vegetarians experience improvements with their health condition. They have a much lower risk of developing cardiometabolic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

Also, they also have increased protection against other diseases such as obesity and hypertension. ‘All vegans eat is salad’ is a huge misunderstanding.

Of course, salads are among their top choices, but they also eat other food products such as vegan cheese, smoothies, pizza and even chocolates. The market has introduced a number of vegan alternatives to cater to this growing population.

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